Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Inspirational nuggets.

"He who laughs last didn't get it."
- 'Helen Giangregorio'

"Let your imagination release
your imprisoned possibilities."

- Dr Robert H Schuller

"Even if you're on the right track,
you'll get run over if you just sit there."
- William Penn

"Men have died from time to time,
and worms have eaten them, but not love."
- William Shakespeare

I love quotes. I think that quotes are a brilliant way of communicating. Don't you think that quotes are a form of language? Well, I do. I feel that they not only serve as a vehicle for one to get one's idea across in a intelligent and sometimes witty manner, but also causes one to think further, make sense as well as find meaning to it. Hence in a sense, quotes are peoples' take from a psychological perspective(locates communication in the human mind and see the individual as both the source and destination for messages).

Most quotes are written by famous people such as philosophers, celebrities, scientists as they are looked up to and hence the words of such people are perceived to carry a certain weightage and wisdom as compared to normal people like you and me. Many people thus, look to quotes for inspiration as well as for enjoyment. I feel that the reason why quotes are personal, is that they are feelings and emotions of people, both famous or not, and at some point of time, people find that they can relate to.

On an interesting note, has also come up with weekly contests to encourage people to share their own quotes, and publishes the 3 "best" quotes on their website.

"CoolQuotes Submitted by Users" contest:

1st Place: "If pro is the opposite of con, is progress the opposite of congress??" Author (Brittany C. ) Submitted by Brittany C.

2nd Place: "Dwell on the here and now, before it is there and gone." Author (Aubrey Charasz) Submitted by Aubrey Charasz

3rd Place: "Friendship is like a seed, which when planted in a heart blooms to fill a need." Author (Unknown) Submitted by Melville Paul

People study quotes for instance, Literature students study Shakespeare's or Plato's work to gain insight on other people's perspectives and to learn from them. Quotes also fuel discussion as people's mental sets vary, they might disagree with a certain quote or it may inspire them to think, reflect on the words of wisdom and may even impact their lives as they remember a certain quote that strikes a deep chord.

That being said, sometimes quotes are exclusive to a certain culture as quotes are made by people from all over the world, certain famous quotes that we look back to (taken from different eras) are sometimes difficult to understand as colloquial language or slang is used, hence people from different cultures will not be able to understand such quotes and sayings. Successful communication in a sense, is not present as there is no "meeting of the minds".

However, as time progresses, mankind has collected many categories, types of quotes by people from all over the world ! Some are light hearted and just meant to poke fun at people or circumstances in life, whereas others are philosophical and serve to inspire people. There is a quote for almost any feeling! The internet has also mad things easier for us as people have categorized and sorted the many different quotes available and people can search for a quotes to match their various feelings at different point of their lives. Furthermore, critiques and explanation of quotes, interpretation of quotes can be found on some websites to aid people from different cultures or people who just don't understand a quote as it may be too intellectually deep.

All in all, I feel that quotes are like little nuggets of wisdom and information that we should all consume every now and then! (:


Anonymous said...

Yeah, quotes are good tools to use to communicate. Since quotes are basically referrals to statements made by a person. If in a conversation and you use a quote from a third party, perhaps from shakespeare or even you mom or dad, you bring into the conversation the "life" of the third person at the time he/she made that statement since it'll cause you to see in a new perspective from the third person's point of view, his/her values, believes and knowledge which is great because it shows that someone else out there has been in or have witnessed similar situations before for him/her to make a statement that people are able to quote to support whatever message they are trying to get across.

Oh come on, we all quote people from our daily lives too besides famous people. In school perhaps you tell one of your teachers "Mr.X (the principal) said that we could do this" when you get "in trouble" for doing something. How about at home? Telling your brother "hey, mom said GO SHOWER" With your friends? If you guys go out and spot this guy whom only you think is cute and say "wow he's cute". Im pretty sure all your friends would prob remember that and in future for reference to that incident, they'll quote you.

Well, in a sense i don't think famous people or NORMAL people write quotes. Rather, i think they said or wrote something - it may be hilarious, crude, offensive, racist or wise, but have definitely made an impact resulting in other people using what they may have said or written as quotes.

In all, good job.=)

Anonymous said...

Chinese quote:

"Loud farts aren't smelly; Smelly farts aren't loud"

Look, I subscribe to quotes. Intellectual eh?

Anonymous said...

Yea, quotes can also be funny, yet clever(in a way).

Confucious says, Man who sit on tack gets point.

Confucious also says, Man who jumps off cliff, jumps to conclusion.

Good post anyways, good read!

Zed Ngoh said...

yes, i do agree that quotes are like little nuggets of wisdom. the latest one i have heard and committed to memory is: 'satisfaction comes not from having all the answers, but from helping others find them.'

to me, quotes sums up an intelligent idea in to a short sentence. however, one must put deep thought in to this sentence in order to extract the wisdom behind it; reading it as face value may not elicit the intended value.

We all know one. said...

Quotes are funny. As in weird.

They're actually phrases that people would use to describe an epic event, or something that is controversial.

A successful quote would be adding some pun to it, controversial, funny, and the one who quoted must be dead already. Really.

examples are shakespeare, einstein, confucious, martin luther king and ghandi.

If anything, quotes are life's lesson in short; they seek to make us learn from the past, learn from our mistakes, or simply keep us going.

I would simply rate quotes as an invisible driving force that keeps every single human being going on- the will to survive. Quotes have evolved to such an extent that to some, our qoutes are our instict to survive.

Quotes are inspirational, powerful, dangerous, but yet an effective means to influence.

Personally I've a few quotes that will stay with my through my life.

"to love is to let go"

"think right."

"you're only as strong as you want to be"

"Carpe diem" (seize the day)

what are some of yours? Do they influence you as much, like me?

Anonymous said...

I love quotes too! It is very meaningful to me as it gives me a form of encouragement, etc.. Quotes are a powerful tool as people do remember the "beauty" of the sentence and understand the meaning behind these quotes.